An answer in my past that changed my dog’s life forever ...

An answer in my past that changed my dog’s life forever ...

*Cover photo is of Jed and his younger brother Brett, co-founders of

As the President of a dog supplement company I am asked questions every day. Lots of questions. But most of them have health or supplement based answers. It’s my passion, my career and I honestly love it. 

How did I end up here? Years ago someone asked me a two part question that changed my relationship with my dogs forever. This someone, a stranger waiting in line, had no idea the impact they would have on my life. 

I knew I loved dogs more than most anything, even money. I even once traded payment for creative work in exchange for a dog … a $75,000 dog. But that’s a story for another time. 

Don’t laugh but the question was so simple. The stranger asked:

What is your first memory of a dog? 

This was the easy part to answer. I can remember my Grandpa Davis’s dog Petey. A miniature poodle that was always by his side. I can remember helping in his flower fields and seeing Petey run up before him when I was six or seven years old. Petey always curled up on his lap as he sit in his recliner. Mostly my first memory was Petey was how much he meant to my grandpa. 

The second part surprised me, what is the last memory of YOUR first dog? 

I immediately teared up … Gunner.

Gunner was my first dog. Maybe technically my older brother Zack’s dog but he was graduated and off cowboying. Gunner was a black lab. I actually don’t even know where Zack got him.

I remember playing fetch, Gunner eating my sister’s stuff (how he got access to that stuff is a mystery … wink, wink), training him to do simple things and the funny voice I'd do when he 'talked'. 

But what did I remember last about my first dog Gunner? At the end of his life, I remember being a Junior in high school and laying on the floor with him … face to face as he struggled. This would be his last night, things were shutting down. True he was old but he was also overweight. I still remember crying on the floor with him as I listened to his labored breathing. I felt like I had let him down. That he shouldn’t be feeling like that. Like I wanted more time. That’s the moment, the last memory that changed everything for me and my future with dogs. 

The next day Zack came and took Gunner away and I saw him for the last time. In that moment I knew that I never wanted to wonder if I had done enough for my dog ever again. Since then, I’ve been obsessed with healthier, high functioning dogs that live long lives. My last dog almost broke the world record for her breed and was happy and active right up until the end. 

So, what’s your first memory of a dog and the last memory of your first dog? And what are you going to learn and do differently? It’s time to learn from our past. Whether that’s on a micro, personal life with our own dogs or on a macro level from experts. 

For me, my obsession eventually leads to me creating a dog supplement company to help other dogs live longer and healthier lives. If your memories mean something to you as well, join us. 

You can order the Supplements or email me at and setup a free consultation. 

Here is to the journey of being a better parent to our dogs,

Jed Davis

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